Tuesday, March 12, 2019


All I can say in this fourth grading was a very very very tiring grading.I felt it very stressful because we were rushing out of time to pass our requirements before the periodical exam.I barely sleep just to finish my works.Sometimes I don't even eat.I give all my time for all my requirements even at saturdays and sundays. That is why sometimes I wasn't able to do my blogs because all the requirements and projects were simultaneously given and I do not know when or where to start already.

I also have problems coping up to our lessons in photoshop.I find it hard for me to understand the reporters so what I did is to study it all by myself.I watched some steps on how to use the photoshop and successfully I was able to follow it . At that time I was proud of myself because I was able to learn something without me asking for help but then there is again another problem.We will having a long qiuz yet I haven't review all the handouts that were given to us.Saying that the handouts were too many and difficult for me to understand. Also, I'm still doing my blogs and Ii might not have time to review my handouts anymore.

There are times that I wanted to give up and just rest but because of my determination i was able to survive.I told myself not to give up that easy. There are just times that we also need to sacrifice for the things we want to have or to happen. I told myself that after this, all the sacrifices and sufferings I've been through will be payed off someday. This experience that I'm having will serve as a lesson and preparation for me in the near future.

They say life is like a wheel.Sometimes we are up but there are also times that we are down.Our life wasn't always the same. We might be happy today but tomorrow might change. It might be very tiring today but tomorrow might be different. So all of us experienced  ups and downs too. It's normal to have them in our lives.We just need to accept that it is already part us and be thankful that we have given  a chance to live.

Let's not waste that chance. Let's not give up on life because of the problems that we encounter in our lives.Remember that God gave us life because of His love to us.He did not gave us life to suffer.Consider those problems as challenge that we need to overcome.Learn from those challenges and apply those learnings in our daily lives. In that way we will achieve the success that we wanted to have.

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