Monday, July 30, 2018

SONA 2018

On July 23, 2018, the President of the Philippines delivered his third State of the Nation Address. He delivered accomplishments and plans to our country which helps a lot of Filipino citizens. One of his advocacy is about drug war.

Drugs are one of the main problems of our country. It leads many Filipinos to darkness bringing them to their end. To solve this problem, the president declared a war against drugs. Many disagree with this solution for it has killed many innocent Filipinos during the said war. Yet recently the president said on his SONA that the drug war won't be sidelined instead it would be as relentless and chilling as the day began. He said that he won't be stopped through protests because he knew that this is the only way. After that he said "Your concern is human rights, mine is human lives". This just show that he cares more about the life of a person than of the rights of each.

In the end, the president is just the one who guides and leads to the success of this country. True success is still in the hands of each. If we really want to attain true success, we should start working each other for our country's future.


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