Saturday, October 20, 2018

Learnings to collect,Activities to enjoy

          As the month of September comes, ISNHS celebrates the Science Month Celebration which has the theme:"WAVEFRONTS:Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancement"
         This celebration have many activities to offer. The theme of this Science Month Celebration talks more about the importance of the discovery of Michael Faraday of electricity and magnetism. Since we are now surrounded by technology then we can apply our learnings from this celebration in our society. In participating activities, you are not only getting knowledge but also sharing knowledge through participating the activities. In this activities, you are able to give your own ideas, opinions or thoughts regarding this theme. You can also show your potentials or special abilities. 
         Not only you can benefit from this knowledges or learnings but others will too when you start sharing them what you know.This celebration helps you care about the things that surround you.

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