Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Hello 2019

Happy New year to all of us..well 2018 has already passed and here comes 2019! another year, another start of our journey in life. it is again a new beginning to all of us.And it also a start for a change.. Change in hairstyle, change in outfit,change in attitude and so on. there are a lot of changes that we can make to our lives. it is up to us if we choose to make those changes happen or not.
some people would do everything just to say that they changed.But not all people love changes and i can include myself ti those people.
It's not that I really really hate change.Its just that the changes that happen to me aren't my choice.Harder for me to accept it.Changes sometimes just happen without us noticing it.There are times that  someone will tell also"hey you've change."
I've experience a lot of changes in my life,some are good and some are bad.That is why I am trying hard to change those bad changes into better ones. Even though my life wasn't as good as others,someday I can still make it better than the life I imagine. I'll strive hard. I'll do everything to achieve my dreams to have a beautiful life in the future.I can make a better version of myself.

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