Tuesday, August 21, 2018


During the first quarter in our subject in ICT, I have learned a lot about internet. On what does it mean, what does it do, what its history, who created it and many more about internet. Then we go to the next lesson which is all about blogs. Blogging is my favorite that we have learned in the first quarter for it helps me improve my writing skills though at first, I'm not really fond of writing. Blogging also helps me enhance my vocabulary and grammar. Through blogging, i can already express my ideas to other people. At last, we study all about search engines. first is on its definition, then on its types and on how to make a better search with search engine.

During the first quarter, I also faced challenges or problems. One of these is time. Time is the biggest problem for me because I don't know how to manage it or use it well that's why sometimes it's hard for me to finish my blogs on time. Another is my laziness. I spent a lot of time in sleeping than finishing my works. I also easily get distracted by my gadgets. And also, there are lots of requirements that were given to us that's why sometimes I don't know where to start.

Despite these challenges, I had overcome them by motivating myself. By telling myself that i can do it and also by making these challenges as a lesson in life.

Moving on, i will continue my journey. Problems are just problems they say. Whatever challenges I will encounter in my way, I'll face it and use it as strength not a hindrance to achieve my dreams in the future.


Kannawidan Festival 2019

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