Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Kannawidan Festival 2019

Ilocos Sur is a beautiful province located in the northern part of Luzon. It is a province rich in culture that represents the ancient Spanish and Filipino heritage. The locals conceived a festival that highlights these cultural traditions to show and share their treasures to the whole world.They call it the Kannawidan Festival.

Kannawidan Festival usually celebrated during the last week of January up to the first week of February.On the opening day,there is a mass held at St. Paul Metropolitan Cathedral.It is followed by a procession of the Patron Saints of the 40 perishes and images of Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary around the city. This is the Ilocanos way of giving thanks to the Almighty.

The mission of this festival is to let the younger generation recognize the traditions, songs, dances and other cultures of Ilocanos. Some children nowadays are paying more attention to the modern dances they see in the television than the traditional ones.This festival help the children to appreciate their culture and tradition. It also helps the children to enhance their talents and skills through joining different contests.It encourages younger generation to learn the indigenous songs and dances of the province.

Kannawidan Festival came out to be an exciting and an enjoying festival.This festival really is the pride of Ilocanos.

Hello 2019

Happy New year to all of us..well 2018 has already passed and here comes 2019! another year, another start of our journey in life. it is again a new beginning to all of us.And it also a start for a change.. Change in hairstyle, change in outfit,change in attitude and so on. there are a lot of changes that we can make to our lives. it is up to us if we choose to make those changes happen or not.
some people would do everything just to say that they changed.But not all people love changes and i can include myself ti those people.
It's not that I really really hate change.Its just that the changes that happen to me aren't my choice.Harder for me to accept it.Changes sometimes just happen without us noticing it.There are times that  someone will tell also"hey you've change."
I've experience a lot of changes in my life,some are good and some are bad.That is why I am trying hard to change those bad changes into better ones. Even though my life wasn't as good as others,someday I can still make it better than the life I imagine. I'll strive hard. I'll do everything to achieve my dreams to have a beautiful life in the future.I can make a better version of myself.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


All I can say in this fourth grading was a very very very tiring grading.I felt it very stressful because we were rushing out of time to pass our requirements before the periodical exam.I barely sleep just to finish my works.Sometimes I don't even eat.I give all my time for all my requirements even at saturdays and sundays. That is why sometimes I wasn't able to do my blogs because all the requirements and projects were simultaneously given and I do not know when or where to start already.

I also have problems coping up to our lessons in photoshop.I find it hard for me to understand the reporters so what I did is to study it all by myself.I watched some steps on how to use the photoshop and successfully I was able to follow it . At that time I was proud of myself because I was able to learn something without me asking for help but then there is again another problem.We will having a long qiuz yet I haven't review all the handouts that were given to us.Saying that the handouts were too many and difficult for me to understand. Also, I'm still doing my blogs and Ii might not have time to review my handouts anymore.

There are times that I wanted to give up and just rest but because of my determination i was able to survive.I told myself not to give up that easy. There are just times that we also need to sacrifice for the things we want to have or to happen. I told myself that after this, all the sacrifices and sufferings I've been through will be payed off someday. This experience that I'm having will serve as a lesson and preparation for me in the near future.

They say life is like a wheel.Sometimes we are up but there are also times that we are down.Our life wasn't always the same. We might be happy today but tomorrow might change. It might be very tiring today but tomorrow might be different. So all of us experienced  ups and downs too. It's normal to have them in our lives.We just need to accept that it is already part us and be thankful that we have given  a chance to live.

Let's not waste that chance. Let's not give up on life because of the problems that we encounter in our lives.Remember that God gave us life because of His love to us.He did not gave us life to suffer.Consider those problems as challenge that we need to overcome.Learn from those challenges and apply those learnings in our daily lives. In that way we will achieve the success that we wanted to have.

Reaching the Stars Above

All of us have dreams.All of us have something that we want to achieve.Sometimes those dreams seems to be impossible but because of our determination we do everything just to make those dreams come true.We do the impossible to be possible.We dream of anything we want.Others would dream to be a doctor,others want to be an accountant,others want to be a chef and so on.our mind is full of dreams and i bet everyone of us dreamed to be successful in the future. But not all dreams come true.There are dreams that eventhough how badly we wanted them to come true,it just doesn't happen.Sometimes the reason why is we lack determination.

In the 16 years of my existence, I already have lots of dreams. I once dreamed to be a flight attendant,a nurse,a teacher,a chef,an interior designer,a painter,and an architect but then I settled to be a physical therapist like my mother.Other than work,of course i also dream to graduate from college. I dreamed to have a simple house and create happy and complete family.Those are some  of the things I want to achieve someday or in the future.I want to prove  to myself that i can achieve something.I want to see myself successful someday that is why I am doing everything I can. My life must be really really hard to fix but i'll try my best to fix it. Yes, I might be suffering and sacrificing today but i know it will pay off someday.Also, those are just part of success.You will never achieve it without you working hard for it. There are times that I lose hope and ready to give up but then I never did because  God didn't let me. He made me see the things that makes me keep on going.

You see all of us can dream.Even though how big or how high it is, it is free.But a dream can only stay as a dream when we do nothing with it.We can't achieve it when there is no determination on achieving it. When you dream,you need to work hard in able to achieve it.That's how life works.

ISNHS Foundation Day 2019

Every year, school celebrate their respective foundation days to commemorate the day when the school was founded or established. It is significant not only because of the number of years it has served the community where a school belongs to.

This year 2019, Ilocos Sur National High School celebrates its 117th Foundation Day. It is usually starts in the month of March.It is two-day celebration. This is the day that all have been waiting for. Everyone was busy practicing and preparing weeks after this said event.

In the first day,the coronation of Mr. and Ms. ISNHS was held and in the second dat was the costume parade and field demo. The coronation was held in the gymnasium. The King and Queen together with the Prince And Princess were given an honor. They were given crowns, bouquets, sash and trophies as an award.While in the second day, all grade levels from grade 7-12 parade around Vigan with their costumes. During the parade, teachers choose the most disciplined section. In the afternoon, it is  the field demonstration of students. This is the most awaited part of the celebration. The principal and the guest speaker delivered their message for the celebration after the field demo started. The winners of the  best performer of the year is given to Grade 8 boys and girls.

The Permanent Thing in this World

They say change is the only thing that is permanent to this world. You cant avoid change. It's already part of our lives. Some people choose to change while others don't want it but then change still happens.  Change can  also happen without us noticing it. For me change sometimes a choice but not all the time.That is when people seems to have difficulty in accepting those changes in their lives. That even if we would want to go back, we just can't go back to the way it was like before.

I grew up with lot's of changes that happen in my life.First, I was born with a complete family, a happy ones but then it didn't last long.My mom and dad got an argument about us and that argument got bigger that's why my ones so called happy and complete family became one of those broken ones. It's hard to accept but then i needed to understand that nothing really last long.Second,  I was being transferred from different schools while i'm studying in elementary because of my parents. Another change of environment of course.I find it hard to adjust specially when you already built a bond with your classmates in your previews school and you have to leave them because of transferring. Another change is being alone.When i was a kid , I  used to be with my family. Upon waking up, eating,taking a bath,going to school, until going to bed at night, even though it's not always but often times they are with me. I really really miss their presence everyday yet i can't even do anything about it. 

Those are some of the changes that had happen in my life that I find difficult to accept but upon those bad changes,There are also good ones. When I was a kid,I also ones been a brat and a cry baby but then, because of the changes that had happen in my life, I learned to be understanding and to be independent. I learned to be tough enough to fight for my tears.

There may lot's of bad changes that happened in my life. Still, I never ended it. I never gave up on it. I never do bad things to make it worst.Though sometimes i would think of ending it, I just can't do it. That is because of God who's always there to give me a chance to wake up in the morning and start living.His the one who always give me lots of reasons to live.I learned  that instead of ending or ruining your life,  why not do something to make your life a better one.That even when the worst things happened in our lives can also  be changed into something that is way more beautiful than the life we desire.

Thursday, February 14, 2019


Happy New year to all of us!!2018 has already passed and here comes 2019! Another year, another start of our journey in life. It is again a new beginning to all of us.And it also a start for a change.. Change in hairstyle, change in outfit,change in attitude and so on. There are a lot of changes that we can make to our lives. It is up to us if we choose to make those changes happen or not.

In 16 years of my life, I already experienced a lot of changes. Some of them are good changes but most of them are bad. That is why I am trying my best to change those bad changes into better ones. Even though my life wasn't that good as others, I can still make it better than the life I imagine. I'll strive harder. I'll do everything to achieve my dreams to have beautiful life in the future.I would not let others bring me down. This is my life that I was controlling. I can and I will make myself a better version.

If change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.Each one of us can make a difference.Together We can make change.

Kannawidan Festival 2019

Ilocos Sur is a beautiful province located in the northern part of Luzon. It is a province rich in culture that represents the ancient Span...