Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Permanent Thing in this World

They say change is the only thing that is permanent to this world. You cant avoid change. It's already part of our lives. Some people choose to change while others don't want it but then change still happens.  Change can  also happen without us noticing it. For me change sometimes a choice but not all the time.That is when people seems to have difficulty in accepting those changes in their lives. That even if we would want to go back, we just can't go back to the way it was like before.

I grew up with lot's of changes that happen in my life.First, I was born with a complete family, a happy ones but then it didn't last long.My mom and dad got an argument about us and that argument got bigger that's why my ones so called happy and complete family became one of those broken ones. It's hard to accept but then i needed to understand that nothing really last long.Second,  I was being transferred from different schools while i'm studying in elementary because of my parents. Another change of environment of course.I find it hard to adjust specially when you already built a bond with your classmates in your previews school and you have to leave them because of transferring. Another change is being alone.When i was a kid , I  used to be with my family. Upon waking up, eating,taking a bath,going to school, until going to bed at night, even though it's not always but often times they are with me. I really really miss their presence everyday yet i can't even do anything about it. 

Those are some of the changes that had happen in my life that I find difficult to accept but upon those bad changes,There are also good ones. When I was a kid,I also ones been a brat and a cry baby but then, because of the changes that had happen in my life, I learned to be understanding and to be independent. I learned to be tough enough to fight for my tears.

There may lot's of bad changes that happened in my life. Still, I never ended it. I never gave up on it. I never do bad things to make it worst.Though sometimes i would think of ending it, I just can't do it. That is because of God who's always there to give me a chance to wake up in the morning and start living.His the one who always give me lots of reasons to live.I learned  that instead of ending or ruining your life,  why not do something to make your life a better one.That even when the worst things happened in our lives can also  be changed into something that is way more beautiful than the life we desire.

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