Monday, July 30, 2018

SONA 2018

On July 23, 2018, the President of the Philippines delivered his third State of the Nation Address. He delivered accomplishments and plans to our country which helps a lot of Filipino citizens. One of his advocacy is about drug war.

Drugs are one of the main problems of our country. It leads many Filipinos to darkness bringing them to their end. To solve this problem, the president declared a war against drugs. Many disagree with this solution for it has killed many innocent Filipinos during the said war. Yet recently the president said on his SONA that the drug war won't be sidelined instead it would be as relentless and chilling as the day began. He said that he won't be stopped through protests because he knew that this is the only way. After that he said "Your concern is human rights, mine is human lives". This just show that he cares more about the life of a person than of the rights of each.

In the end, the president is just the one who guides and leads to the success of this country. True success is still in the hands of each. If we really want to attain true success, we should start working each other for our country's future.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Longer Life with Healthy Food

          Food. Food is life they say. without food we can't live. That's why food is very important to us. But, what if that food we eat is also the one that can lead us to death? What if that food we eat gives us the disease that can make our lives shorter? What if that food gives us less nutrient than we need? Will we able to do our daily tasks? Will we able to enjoy life?
          In this generation, almost all people used to buy any food they want. Some people don't mind if it is healthy or unhealthy for them. That's the reason why many people die early because of the food they eat. Some people were weak because of nutrient deficiency. They easily get sick because they were not strong enough. Their body can't handle doing heavy works. They spend a lot of money to buy food. Twice or thrice the price when they get sick because of the food. So what can we do to avoid this kind of situation? One of the best solution is by planting healthy foods like vegetables and fruits. Why planting? Because planting is better than just buying. Yes you can buy food if you want but what if it is too expensive? of course you still buy it because you need it. Even though how expensive it is. But what if you can't afford it? Of course you can't buy it or have it anymore. That's why planting is better than buying because when you plant,you won't spend money anymore. You'll just going to harvest what you planted. You can also assure that that food is safe because you yourself plant it. when you do this, you can make your life longer. You will also have enough energy to do daily task. Instead of spending a lot of money by buying ready made foods, just buy a seedling and plant it in your backyard. In that way, you will be able to save money and gain nutrition.
          So gather! Let's now plant, let's now harvest. Healthy foods be our life vest and live life the fullest.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Letter for the President

Angelica Palmaria
Fuerte Caoayan
Ilocos Sur

July 10,2018

Republic of the Philippines
Malacanang Palace, Manila

Dear Mr. President,
     I, Angelica A. Palmaria, a grade 10 student from Ilocos Sur National High School wrote you a letter. I know Mr. President that being a president is very hard cause i've seen it through our class president. I've seen how he works. He do a lot of responsibilities that's the reason why  I don't want to be a president because higher position means lot of responsibilities. But as you know Mr. President, I once told my father that if one day i become a president, I will make houses for those homeless people because everytime I see some people who's sleeping in the streets, my heart hurts so much. I pity them. I think what if I'm in their position? Will I survive? I want to help them but it hurts that I couldn't do something to help them.
     Poverty, one of the most critical problem of our country Mr. President and I know that you know that. And I know also that you can help them more than i can so please Mr. President, help them. I know that you know the feeling when you really want to help but you can't do something to help.
     I  know Mr. President that you have lots and lots of problems today but please Mr. President, hear my plead. At least in that way i can tell that iI have done something for them right? That i didn't just stand there and pity them. And at least maybe in that way I can make them feel that they're not alone and that they have still someone who cares for them. That's all Mr. President. Have a good day.

      Yours Sincerely,         
Angelica A. Palmaria
Grade 10 student       

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

An Important Day to Remember

       In our generation today, many Filipinos don't give importance to the Philippine Independence Day.Just like us students, attending the flag ceremony seems very hard on us to do even if it's just too simple.Some of us just make the Independence Day a normal day. This is really injustice but we have to accept the reality.Some of us just don't care about the sacrifices or our heroes just to achieve freedom that we experience nowadays. But really,why do we have to celebrate Philippine Independence Day?
        Before, our country were colonized by other countries.Our co-Filipino became the slaves of the Spaniards.They weren't treated right. They were abused and belittled.They were being beaten by the invaders. But, their sufferings has to be ended. Our fellow Filipino men's eyes were awaken by the truth and started to fight back. By that, freedom were raised.
        Freedom! freedom is what we have now. It is what we experience nowadays. Freedom to do anything we want. Freedom to go anywhere. Freedom to talk. Freedom to fight for  ourselves. We have to be thankful for what we have because without our freedom, maybe until now we are still suffering.That's why we have to celebrate Philippine Independence Day for this is the day our freedom were raised.It is also the way of showing our love to those people who sacrifice for us and to our country

Kannawidan Festival 2019

Ilocos Sur is a beautiful province located in the northern part of Luzon. It is a province rich in culture that represents the ancient Span...