Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Letter for the President

Angelica Palmaria
Fuerte Caoayan
Ilocos Sur

July 10,2018

Republic of the Philippines
Malacanang Palace, Manila

Dear Mr. President,
     I, Angelica A. Palmaria, a grade 10 student from Ilocos Sur National High School wrote you a letter. I know Mr. President that being a president is very hard cause i've seen it through our class president. I've seen how he works. He do a lot of responsibilities that's the reason why  I don't want to be a president because higher position means lot of responsibilities. But as you know Mr. President, I once told my father that if one day i become a president, I will make houses for those homeless people because everytime I see some people who's sleeping in the streets, my heart hurts so much. I pity them. I think what if I'm in their position? Will I survive? I want to help them but it hurts that I couldn't do something to help them.
     Poverty, one of the most critical problem of our country Mr. President and I know that you know that. And I know also that you can help them more than i can so please Mr. President, help them. I know that you know the feeling when you really want to help but you can't do something to help.
     I  know Mr. President that you have lots and lots of problems today but please Mr. President, hear my plead. At least in that way i can tell that iI have done something for them right? That i didn't just stand there and pity them. And at least maybe in that way I can make them feel that they're not alone and that they have still someone who cares for them. That's all Mr. President. Have a good day.

      Yours Sincerely,         
Angelica A. Palmaria
Grade 10 student       

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