Wednesday, July 4, 2018

An Important Day to Remember

       In our generation today, many Filipinos don't give importance to the Philippine Independence Day.Just like us students, attending the flag ceremony seems very hard on us to do even if it's just too simple.Some of us just make the Independence Day a normal day. This is really injustice but we have to accept the reality.Some of us just don't care about the sacrifices or our heroes just to achieve freedom that we experience nowadays. But really,why do we have to celebrate Philippine Independence Day?
        Before, our country were colonized by other countries.Our co-Filipino became the slaves of the Spaniards.They weren't treated right. They were abused and belittled.They were being beaten by the invaders. But, their sufferings has to be ended. Our fellow Filipino men's eyes were awaken by the truth and started to fight back. By that, freedom were raised.
        Freedom! freedom is what we have now. It is what we experience nowadays. Freedom to do anything we want. Freedom to go anywhere. Freedom to talk. Freedom to fight for  ourselves. We have to be thankful for what we have because without our freedom, maybe until now we are still suffering.That's why we have to celebrate Philippine Independence Day for this is the day our freedom were raised.It is also the way of showing our love to those people who sacrifice for us and to our country

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