Thursday, December 6, 2018

Love is Born

Christmas is the day when our Lord Jesus Christ was born. It is celebrated every 25th day of December. Every time we celebrate Christmas, there's always a Christmas tree, Christmas light, Christmas balls, lanterns and many decorations. It is a day when we share gifts. It is a day to take quality time with our family and friends. But really, why do we celebrate Christmas? What is the true essence of celebrating it?
Christmas is not about the gifts. It is not about the decorations. It is not about the bonding time of our family. It is all about love. Sharing love to your family, to your friends and also other people. It is about showing appreciation for each other. A great time to use that love to build bridges or understanding, acceptance and forgiveness.

1 comment:

  1. yes love is born because of jesus so continue serving and praising jesus christ


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