Saturday, October 20, 2018


     Everyone of us has differences. We may differ in color, in the place where we are born,in religion, in culture, in tradition or anything but we can't change the fact that we are all human. Even though you are poor or even rich, still, you are human. We are all created by God and that makes us all equal. 
In this month of October 2018, we celebrate our United Nation Month which has the theme"Coming together with those furthest behind to build an inclusive world of universal respect for human right and dignity". This theme talks more about equality. that all the people living in this world are equal no matter what. But in reality, do we really treat others equally? Do we really give importance to human rights? Do we care about the dignity of others?
     Nowadays, we all have our rights such as our right to live, right to education, right to speak, right to work and many more. All of this rights were included in human rights. But why is it that there are still people out there who experience discrimination or judgement from other people? Why is it that there are still who suffer from violence? Why is it that these human rights abused and ignored time time all around the world.
     No one deserves to be treated badly. All of us are sisters and brothers. When can we start treating others equally not differently? We should love others. We should care for them. Despite of who they are, we should treat them as a family.


     How can we describe a hero? A hero have superpowers that can destroy monsters. A hero somewhat wears costume. A hero has swords, shield and cape. But my heroes are different. My heroes do not have superpowers. Don't wear costumes and don't have swords, shield, cape or anything but I still call them as heroes.
     Yes, they do not have superpowers yet they have strengths to teach us more lessons. Lessons that we can apply and lessons that can save lives.Yes, they do not wear costumes yet wears uniform. Yes, they do not have swords, shield and cape but they were able to protect us in any harm by the learnings they put in to us everyday.
My heroes are like my parents. They treat us as their children. They show us who we are and what we will become in the future. They are my guardian that guides me through the right path. Sometimes they scold us, not because they hate as but to correct our mistakes or failures. through their help, we were able to understand the things we doesn't know yet. They were able to teach us what's right and what is wrong. They sacrifice a lot just to teach us. They show us the love and the care every time we are together.
      My heroes may be different from the heroes that we used to know. But, they are someone to be proud of and to be called as one. There are a lot of words I can tell to say that "My teacher is my hero.

Learnings to collect,Activities to enjoy

          As the month of September comes, ISNHS celebrates the Science Month Celebration which has the theme:"WAVEFRONTS:Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancement"
         This celebration have many activities to offer. The theme of this Science Month Celebration talks more about the importance of the discovery of Michael Faraday of electricity and magnetism. Since we are now surrounded by technology then we can apply our learnings from this celebration in our society. In participating activities, you are not only getting knowledge but also sharing knowledge through participating the activities. In this activities, you are able to give your own ideas, opinions or thoughts regarding this theme. You can also show your potentials or special abilities. 
         Not only you can benefit from this knowledges or learnings but others will too when you start sharing them what you know.This celebration helps you care about the things that surround you.

Kannawidan Festival 2019

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